Traditional yang food remains popular : SoalSekolahmu

Preserve the recipe to make delicious West Javanese colenak andnutritious


Relying on the surrounding ingredients that are still natural makes the food such as recipes to make this typical West Javanese colenak also has beneficial properties for the body. Ingredients such as plants, for example, will meet your body’s fiber and nutrition even if the preparation is limited to light snacks. The natural ingredients and nutrient content are also complemented by the easy manufacturing process.


It is undeniable that food is a basic human need to survive. And Indonesia as a rich nation also has very many specialties from each region. Each region has various traditional foods with unique flavors.


Cuisine is one of the riches of Indonesia because it is unique and different from the food of other countries. There are all kinds of things, from rice food, snacks to drinks. Even this food is not uncommon that has been recognized internationally because of its pleasure.


This food is made from different types of local ingredients to meet the daily needs of the local population. Most of the nutrients contained in this preparation are complete enough for daily active activities. This traditional food with such processing can be delicious and nutritious.


The food from each region like the West Java region is quite interesting to develop. In this case, as citizens proud of their culture, we are obliged to preserve wealth such as the typical colenak making recipes of West Java. It may also interest foreign tourists in the unique culinary character of each of these regions.


The richness of traditional Western Javanese snacks

In the midst of the development of modern times, traditional food must be preserved so that future generations can still enjoy it. Including the preservation of traditional snacks such as the typical West Java colenak making recipe is a shared responsibility of Indonesians, even if they are native to West Java.


Indonesians who are famous for snacking can beone of the  methods of moaningin ice dancing to the country’s culinary richness. Colenak can be one of your snack choices and is also rich in benefits. Unlike general snacks that lack nutrients, colenak has benefits that make it even easier to maintain.


West Java with its Sundanese tribe is famous as the owner of hundreds of delicious food recipes and has even spread widely in Indonesia, including recipes for making typical West Java colenak. You must have heard of cilok, seblak, Bandung cakes and many other types.


This traditional snack with a simple process and ingredients that are also natural makes the nutrients it contains quite guaranteed. Without preservatives and flavors harmful to the body, colenak is even healthier. This snack can even still be treated with various new innovations so that it is more in line with the wishes of the current community.


Snacks and recipes to make this typical West Javanese colenak is one of the foods that has long been famous in West Java because of its uniqueness. This food includes traditional snacks that are well known around the world and are currently easy to find in the cool cafes of Bandung and its surroundings.


Snacks that have nutrition

Although colenak is a category of snacks, this snack is also not commoninsnacks that have minimal nutritional levels. Doing it as a snack can help meet your vitamin needs due to its considerable content. Because the main ingredient is natural from fermented cassava, you will benefit from consuming it regularly.


Tergolong snacks with a recipe for making typical West Javanese colenak from adhesive tape so that it has good benefits for digestibility. The vitamin B12 fat content is also found from this processed food. To increase your energy for daily activities, you can get it from the content of burnt ribbon carbohydrates.


With the addition of brown sugar that has  a unique taste, you can get hooked by eating this sweet snack. Colenak is also a healthy snack, so it is suitable for all circles and ages as long as it is consumed in moderation. Although classified as a traditional food, this food is not only popular with old-school humans.


Even in places where young people meet such as cafes, recipes for making typical West Java colenak are often the main food that is very popular. Like other foods, this snack will continue to be popular as long as it continues to be introduced to the next generation.


Traditional yang food remains popular

If you are visiting Bandung or other tourist areas of West Java, it is quite easy for you to meet this snack seller. Although it is a relatively old school, because the taste and recipe make this typical West Javanese colenak easy and conservation activities that continue to occur, colenak is increasingly in demand and continues to exist.


The human need for food continues to grow in today’s modern society. With sales that follow the zeitgeist, namely targeting the youth community, colenak can continue to be enjoyed until now and also in the future.


Although it is classified as snacks, the target is not only the group of children who like snacks, but all ages are also in fact. Like other Sundanese specialties, colenak is also famous throughout Indonesia. The traders are not only Sundanese indigenous peoples, but other people because of their promising economic potential.


So far, colenak can be sold in a package and is widely bought as a typical West Java souvenir. In the past, colenak was only an ingredient in cassava tape and brown sugar sweeteners, now it can be enjoyed with various variants. There have been many taste innovations made by food lovers so that they can enter with the language of many people.


The finished ribbon, first steamed or burned so that the sweet taste of the fermented result comes out. The sugar content that is a lot in the strip when burned makes lovers of sweet taste even more fond of this toasted ribbon. With ingredients that are still relatively natural, colenak is very safe to consume in addition without the use of preservatives.


Snacks and recipes make this typical West Javanese colenak classified as a healthy but still affordable food, so it is even more interesting to enjoy. Currently, it’s not just fresh snacks that need to be imported or expensive. Adhesive tape, whose origin comes from cassava, can also be a cool food in the modern era. Changing brown sugar to chocolate – like chocolate, cheese, banana and other flavors also increases the popularityof this food.


How to do Colenak simply

In addition to being delicious, nutritious, it turns out that it is not difficult to also make this typical recipe of West Javanese colenak at home. You just need to prepare ingredients ranging from cassava tape, coconut, brown sugar and salt. Here you should use a typical West Javanese ribbon, namely peuyem so that the water content is not too high.


Then, forgangnya, you can use Teflon or a similar non-stick pan. First prepare the soup by boiling the brown sugar with the addition of water, and then adding the grated coconut later. To give a taste, add a little salt and pandan leaves so that better it smells later.


You cook this solution until it is cooked and fragrant, and then you can set it aside immediately. To make the roasted tape, first separate the cassava fibers and then shape them to taste. Then simply cook until there is a caramel for up to a few minutes on both sides. If you think it is suitable for maturity, you just need to add the toppings or cocoons in the container and they are ready to be tasted.


If you want to try other variants of colenak can steam it, you don’t need to steam it. To meet the preferences of children, you can replace them with chocolate, cheese, fruit flavors like cocolan in addition to brown sugar. The recipe for making this typical West Javanese colenak can be adjusted to everyone’s wishes, but the taste and nutrition remain the same.

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